The call for papers is now open
EECERA provides a fantastic opportunity to present your work to a supportive research community from all over the world. We would, therefore, like to encourage all of our members and the wider ECEC research community to submit proposals for presentation in line with the 2025 theme: Early Education for All: Celebrating Diversity and Seeking Inclusion.
We invite all our members and colleagues to submit up to two research proposals * for presentation, with three different presentation modes to choose from. For more details about each submission type, the submission process and deadlines, please refer to the information provided below.
All proposals must be submitted by 23:59 (GMT) on Monday, 3rd March 2025.
If you wish to be notified about all the latest conference-related news, please subscribe to the EECERA conference newsletter.
*This year each applicant is permitted to submit up to TWO proposals IN TOTAL:
- EITHER a proposal for an individual paper presentation OR as part of a self-organised symposium (SOS) AND
- a proposal for a poster presentation
Note: You can be added as a co-presenter on other papers (including other individual papers and papers submitted as part of self-organised symposia and posters). However, bear in mind the more papers you are listed to present / co-present on, the fewer you can attend as a non-presenting delegate and the more difficult it is for us to design the programme to avoid clashes.
Proposal types
Combining text, graphics and the opportunity for dialogue with the author, a poster presentation is ideal for those who want to maximise the visibility of their work and network. Selected posters will be displayed during the designated poster symposium(s), giving poster presenters an opportunity to engage in a conversation with delegates who will be circulating around the exhibits.
When submitting your proposal, you will be asked to enter the following information:
- The type of the presentation
- The title of the presentation
- Proposal strand(s)
- The name(s), institution(s) and email address(es) of attending presenter(s) and non-presenting co-author(s); user that adds and submits an abstract is, by default, the main presenter.
- A 250-word abstract addressing each element specified on the submission form: Research Aims, Relationship to Previous Research Works, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework, Paradigm, Methodology and Methods, Ethical Considerations, Main Finding or Discussion, Implications for Practice or Policy, Five Keywords
Posters will need to be printed in A1 format and brought to the conference by presenters.
A group may propose to organise 3 papers and a chair. For self-organised symposium, please submit one abstract for each of the papers.
Important information for self-organised symposia submissions
Unlike in previous years, papers submitted as part of self-organised symposia will be made into their desired groups AFTER the review process.
The chair and presenters should still collaborate on their joint symposium over email (e.g. to agree the symposium title). However, in this abstract submission portal, self-organised symposium paper contributors are not required to wait for the chair to send them an invitation through the portal. Instead, they need to follow the instruction on Ex Ordo, as follows:
Under submission format, please select “A self-organised symposium paper”.
In the title section of the abstract please include the title of the self-organised symposium first, followed by the title of your contributing research paper., e.g.:
[Symposium title] Quality and early childhood professionalisation in a neoliberal context – [Paper title] Professional identity development through a community of practice.
That way we will be able to quickly identify and group papers belonging to the same self-organised symposium, e.g.:
[Title paper 1] Quality and early childhood professionalisation in a neoliberal context – Professional identity development through a community of practice
[Title paper 2] Quality and early childhood professionalisation in a neoliberal context – Contextualised, not neoliberalised professionalism in early childhood
[Title paper 3] Quality and early childhood professionalisation in a neoliberal context – If it ain’t got that swing: Developing professional practice in ECEC through improvisation.
After the review process is completed we will contact each group of presenters that submitted to present in their self-organised symposia to identify / confirm symposia chairs.
When submitting your SoS proposal you will be asked to enter the following information:
- The type of the presentation
- The title of the presentation
- Proposal strand(s)
- The name(s), institution(s) and email address(es) of attending presenter(s) and non-presenting co-author(s); user that adds and submits an abstract is, by default, the main presenter.
- A 250-word abstract addressing each element specified on the submission form: Research Aims, Relationship to Previous Research Works, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework, Paradigm, Methodology and Methods, Ethical Considerations, Main Finding or Discussion, Implications for Practice or Policy, Five Keywords
A traditional short presentation – 20 minutes, plus additional built-in time for discussion. Individual papers will be grouped into larger symposia by theme (scientific committee selected). An individual paper presentation is ideal for those who want to make collaborative links to others on a theme or issue and test out/get feedback on their work.
When submitting your proposals for one of the above, you will be asked to enter the following information:
- The type of the presentation
- The title of the presentation
- Proposal strand(s)
- The name(s), institution(s) and email address(es) of attending presenter(s) and non-presenting co-author(s); user that adds and submits an abstract is, by default, the main presenter.
- A 250-word abstract addressing each element specified on the submission form: Research Aims, Relationship to Previous Research Works, Theoretical and Conceptual Framework, Paradigm, Methodology and Methods, Ethical Considerations, Main Finding or Discussion, Implications for Practice or Policy, Five Keywords